Monday, July 19, 2010

no good

no good at these

Friday, March 5, 2010


so here i am sittin in my apartment, early morning...well erm, early to us, seeing as im the only one up. But im just thinking how awesome it is to be home. And now im thinking, for people who do what i do, is this really home? and if so, what makes it home? My idea of this being home is "skewed" a little, because i have been born and raised in Long Beach. But i dont really consider that to necessarily be a defining factor in calling a place "home". To me, Long beach is home for a number of reasons. I think the biggest reason is because of the friends and relationships i have within this amazing city. I feel fortunate to have a really tight knit group of best friends, instead of a few close ones and a bunch of acquaintances. I have had the same best friend since i was 2 years old. My mom, which is about the only real family have i, lives here as well. I think that is the core of it. If i didnt have strong emotional holds to long beach, i might not necessarily live here at this moment in time.

It seems as if everytime im home though, there is something new to go see or try. Everything is close enough, yet far enough. LA is a 35 minute train ride away, The OC is a 20 minute drive. There is just something about this city that has my heart, Maybe its the different areas and what they have to offer, maybe its the fact that its 65 degrees out right now, and its snowing in other parts of the country, maybe its the amazing mexican food. Whatever it is, i love it, and dont want to ever move.
I have a much different perspective of long beach than most people i meet, where as everyone loves it but is trying to get out and try new things or see new things. Im trying to stay. I get to see the world the majority of the year, which im extremely thankful for. But coming home for me, is being on vacation. i work for 2 solid months, gone from home, 50+hours a week. And then i get to spend my time in between tours, in sunny southern california, with my best friends and my family, and my amazing roommates. Life couldnt be better.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

This is a killer hangover

Gonna Start off by saying Brussels is 100% in my top 5 favorite places to visit. I had such an amazing time there yesterday. We started out by going out to dinner. The Group was Vee, Matt Bro, Suge, Ry, Suarez, Nate, Tony and i. We found a little spot in some little alley. I got Steak, chips, salad and a beer for €10. Then after dinner Ry, suarez, nate, tony and i ventured off and found the Delirium Cafe. The place was awesome. They had something like 49 beers on tap, and 2004 different types of bottled beer. Most of the beer we were drinking was between 8-10% alcohol. They served each beer in its own type of glass, some even required a deposit to use the glass. From there suarez and i drunkenly stumbled to a little restaurant that served waffles. I ordered a waffle and it was brought out covered in chocolate syrup. We had that and a huge pitcher of wine.

Today i woke up, feeling worse than i have in a really really long time. Im not going to let it stop me though. Then venue we are playing in Hamburg is in the red light district. And right next to a venue that The Beatles played in the early 60's. Hopefully i can shake off this hangover and be able to do it all over again tonight!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Colder weather

This time around ive been going and seeing more things that i did last time i was here. Vee and i have been waking up around 10 and walking around town until load in, which is typically 2pm. So him and i have been able to see what each city weve been to has to offer as far as shopping and what not. Its been really nice to be able to do that this time, rather then wake up at 2pm hungover as all hell and just doing work.

Yesterday we switched bus's to a single decker. Which is awesome. Its a little awkward inside but it definitely feels nicer. The majority of the bunks are adjacent to the galley, but other than that its amazing. Not having to get into a musty, humid bunk with a window in it is nice. And our driver is awesome this time too, two full sleeves, super irish and is stoked to work with us.

Today and tomorrow should be a lot of fun, we are going to be in london both nights. Tonight's show is the biggest of the tour, after guests and what not it should be around 1700 people. And then tomorrow is a day off. Hopefully i wont spend very much money tomorrow, id like to save the majority of it. After london we have another day off, but this time itll be in brussels, france. Which im extremely excited for. My first time in Europe!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today is By far the nicest venue we have played in the UK. Got to walk around a little bit today, the area is super cool, on a street full of bars. Tonight should be interesting. I think we are all going to go out and watch the super bowl, which starts at 11:30 pm here. here are some pictures i finally was able to upload now that my phone is back up and running.